Seyboro Cyclists was formed in 1985 by a group of five or six men. With the help of a new bike shop in Goldsboro, “Bicycle World”, word of the new club quickly spread.
The Seyboro name came about because many of the original members were stationed at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, while the others lived or worked in Goldsboro.
A few weeks later, Seyboro Cyclists had their first group ride, meeting at “Bicycle World” on Ash Street. About a dozen members headed west on Ash Street towards Cherry Hospital and Stevens Mill Road.
The club soon had 50 members and it wasn’t unusual for rides to have 30 cyclists. By 1986, the club had more than 100 members.
Seyboros soon began to travel to other cycling events in North Carolina, sometimes having as many as 40 members representing the club. Over the years, those traveling events spread across the country with epic tales being passed on to other members who could not make these road trips.
Today the club is more than 35 years old and we have Seyboros all over the world!
Information for this history was taken from “Being Seyboro”, written by “Diesel” Dave Galloway. Available on Amazon Books.